Tuesday 24 May 2011

Part 4

Leaving Kelsa to sleep he went to the dungeon. Chained to the wall Vega snarled as he entered “You believe that bitch before one of your own?” Lykaios said nothing, with Cailean’s arrival Lykaios got to work, forcing his mind into hers, Vega blocked him as much as she could but his birth gave him superior strength and although he already knew through Kelsa he needed to see for himself, he hovered in her mind as her secrets played out before him, from the stealing of a spell book and the spell cast to opening the mist, right up to the moment she had let the Hellion in.

“It’s true, all of it” he turned to Cailean “What do we do with her?” Cailean looked at her with sadness, she was one of them, a Vampire of Vaxur but to do this, go so far “Do what you want with her” Lykaios nodded, Vega saw the glint of satisfaction in his eyes “My Lord, I did it for us, for our kind we live as sheep, following the word of others, the balance is wrong…….” Cailean’s head leaned against hers his hand stroked her face “No Vega, the balance is right, it brings peace, by Orean can you not remember the battles, the bloodshed on both sides” Walking towards the door with his head bowed in shame he murmured “What you have done my never truly be healed”  She turned to Lykaios.

“You understand don’t you, I did it for our ways, those that follow the light are our captors, they force us to live like them” Lykaios moved towards her his hand gripped her hair “No, we live this way by choice, for peace, I am sick of fighting, of watching my back” his hand slide down to her neck his thumb rubbing her artery. “Please, Lykaios I…I, please” Lykaios opened his mouth his fangs glinted in the dim light. Vega screamed as they plunged deep into her neck, squirming she tried to break free but the nickel chains and Lykaios held her.

The castle filled with Vega’s screaming, it echoed round the walls intensifying the sound, Eirene closed her eyes and blotted the sound from her mind, the woman sounded like a wounded animal, she felt sorry for her. Kelsa woke and listened, did she have to make so much noise, her kind died in silence to make such a racket was not honourable. Eventually the castle fell quiet; the sound of Vega’s pain was replaced by silence.

Lykaios lifted the drained body and dropped it outside; let the sun have what was left.

Much to his amazement Lykaios found Kelsa sitting on the floor, in meditation. “Why do you do that” Keeping her back to him she replied “If the mind is weak so is the body” Lykaios stood and watched, he could think of several of his kind that could use such a thing for they may have strength in body but in the head they were soft. Kelsa let out a deep breath then stood, turning to him her arms folded she watched him watching her. He suddenly felt uncomfortable as if she could see into his dark disturbed soul.

“What are you and don’t say Quella?” Lykaios asked his voice barely audible. Sitting on the floor she indicated for him to join her. Lykaios sat, his long legs stretched out before him, she seemed to be battling against their beliefs, their life a secrecy that was about to be broken. Finally she spoke “I am Quella, from the Fire Mountains of Rusulka, it is very hot there, the darkness is only broken by large pools of bright light that can hurt. We are warriors, live and breathe to fight and are trained to do so” Kelsa stopped she had said too much already. Sensing her concern Lykaios pressed for more “You are not Vampire”

Her laugh rang round the room “No we are not Vampires, to us that is a curse” Thanks a lot Lykaios thought but kept quiet, if he got angry she would stop and he doubted she would ever speak about it again “So what……?” Kelsa turned to him, her eyes sparkled in the light causing Lykaios’s groin to ache. “We are like you, we heal ourselves, have immense strength and can read minds and unlike you we can reproduce, our kind can live long, longer than any other in the realm except yours and yes we can die but it’s not easy” Lykaios listened in stunned silence, he had never heard of anyone so close to his own kind.

“But how?” Kelsa couldn’t answer that “It has been that way since our first walked the land, the ceremony is the final change, from weak to strong” Her own purification was painful but at the same time exhilarating, she felt the power and strength rush through her like the liquid fires themselves. After she had drunk from the cup of renewal and then met her husband to be. Lykaios felt his stomach lurch “Husband?” Kelsa smiled with a tinge of sadness “When we are reborn we are shown the one we will join with, to bare strong children, only after we have proved ourselves in battle can the ceremony be performed”

He waited for her to say more but she didn’t. “When this is over, will you go home to your ceremony?” Kelsa stood and stared at the wall, closing her eyes she could see distant mountains and further, were the land met the sky, feel the heat that was her home “No, I can never go home” What the hell, why? Then it dawned on him, he fought the urge to go to her but his heartless soul felt her pain “You have talked” Kelsa nodded “I have broken the rules, spoken of our kind for that I can never return” Lykaios felt honoured if not confused “Then I too will keep the secret” Kelsa turned and nodded “Thank you but it will do no good, I know and……”

“They would learn from your mind!” Kelsa nodded. “Why did you tell me?” She didn’t know, she would never reveal their secrets but here with him? Lykaios turned to leave “Wait, I want you to bite me” He spun round “NO” Closing the door she watched as his face changed from a mixture of horror then fear. “I have your blood in me, Eirene saved my life but it’s still their flowing through my veins, I am weak, your blood poison but…..” Lykaios roared “I nearly killed you and you want me to do it again” She touched his arm; the heat that coursed through his body intensified the throbbing in his groin.

Lykaios was adamant, he couldn’t. “Your blood is the only thing that makes me weak, can kill me easily, if I could build up a barrier against it” Lykaios shook his head. “I have told you, spoken what I should never have, you owe me” Moving closer she held out her wrist, Lykaios stared at it, what if……but she had revealed her secret to him. Taking her wrist he searched her face for any sign of hesitation or fear but found none, Kelsa nodded. Exposing his fangs he plunged them into her soft skin then just as quickly released her and left the room.

The dark stone walls and heavy wooden door made Fayna uneasy but together they stood before it and knocked. Opening the door Shoid smiled broadly “Welcome, welcome we have been expecting you, come in”

Part 3                                                               Part 5


KDSGS said...

You get some great poses with your hunky guys, the shot of Cailean leaning down toward Vega *fans self*

Yep, just a reminder that no one messes with Lykos, and that he is dangerous. That's it fore Vega then. Just tossed her outside like so much rubbish.

Again, love the dynamics of Lykos and Kelsa. He left the room, Wow.

Another great installment!

iron mum said...

Hi Drew,
Some in the realm think Cailean is soft but he's not, he dose not tolerate disobedience or disloyalty and cane be quite hard (No pun intended) of necessary.

What can I say about Lykaios that we don't already know, sexy hot smouldering....wow! he can sometimes enjoy the darker side a little too much but hell, we won't hold that against him.

I think secretly he enjoyed leaving Kelsa hanging like that, I mean if he did that too me I'd have chewed the bed in frustration, lol

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