Jajij is in the world of dreams. Not of this world or any other for that fact it lies somewhere between the world of reality and the world of fairy tales. Consisting of eight provinces each one has their own race and laws. Three of the provinces are resident to the Vampires, as the largest of the races and broken into clans it was agreed they would take the three areas least capable of life. Nothing grows in these lands and as Vampires are technically dead they require no sustenance except blood. The other realms consist of Elves, Fae, shifters etc. The Fae believe that the Great Mother gave birth to all on the land and that they are her children, living of the land they believe that to harm the earth would lead to their destruction. The Vampires on the other hand believe that they were created by Orean the Demon of the Eclipse, they believe he was unhappy about the balance in the world, that more good than evil existed and creating an eclipse brought forth the first Vampires hence the reason they cannot tolerate sunlight. A war ravaged the land for centuries and it is written that two great leaders Lorele and Kden met on the field of Erin to battle with their armies. At dawn the two met and bowing drew their swords. The battle fierce lasted three days and nights till exhausted Lorele and Kden collapsed to the ground. Unable to continue they sat in the dark and for the first time talked. They realised that although they were different they were also the same, that the war had gone on for so long neither could remember what it was over. Looking up they saw the dawn sky run with the blood of the fallen and seeing this as an omen agreed to work together in peace.
The Realm has one law that is absolute throughout, that no one is to harm another, to do so would mean immediate expulsion. While the Vampires evolved over time and became more civilised there are others that are not, these unable to or unwilling to live in peace and abide by the rules were banished to the Realm of Obscurity, surrounded by a mist of majick they are prevented from entering Jajij.
Wise one....................Leader Helmer...............Leader
Great Mother.................Creator Orean.................creator
Peaceful, live of the land. Undead, fighters...............require blood.
Have powers (Majick) but rarely use it. No majick, have their own own unique abilities.
All connected to each other but Clannish, unable to get along
broken into villages.
One day........one moon.
One year........ twelve full moons.
Ten x twelve full moons.......ten years.